Tenfold Hospitality Group began in 2007 and has been instrumental in helping to shape the suburban pub landscape. Innovation in operations and administration has led to the business adopting a model based around building customer advocacy. Tenfold Hospitality Group is a proud family owned Perth based enterprise.
Associated venues include The Gate Bar & Bistro, Success, The Brook Bar & Bistro, Ellenbrook, The Ashby Bar & Bistro, The Ashby Super Liquor Store and The Ashby Coffee House, Ashby. One of our founders, David Strom has been a prominent member of the Perth hospitality industry for over thirty years and has laid the foundations for the continued growth of all Tenfold venues. Tenfold venues have won multiple awards since it’s inception across all venues including Perth’s best pub dining and Perth’s Best Pub.
Tenfold Hospitality Group highly values it’s many hospitality professionals working across the Group and has been continually recognised for the workplace development and training opportunities provided to all employees.
Tenfold properties challenge all their team to live up to the company’s mission statement: “To be the best we can in our industry whilst having fun.” Tenfold Hospitality Group is proud to be involved in the continually evolving Perth hospitality industry and will continue to strive to be an industry leader.